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Just For You

Just For you

Senin, 14 Agustus 2017


The gestation period for a woman is a very important period. Where pregnant women are required to continue to maintain their health as well health of her fetus. Because of this, the nutrition of pregnant women should certainly be fulfilled in order to stay healthy fetus. Pregnant women are not allowed to consume foods carelessly.There are some good food and not good for consumption by pregnant women. Of course, a pregnant woman should consume foods that are good for health and the fetus, especially foods that are recommended by the obstetrician .
The nutritional intake of pregnant determine the health of the fetus. Therefore, a pregnant woman should strictly control the pattern and menu of food consumed. Actually diet for pregnant women is very similar to the concept of a healthy diet. However, for a pregnant woman is required to be more careful in choosing food. This is because not every healthy food to be consumed by pregnant women . Recall that nutrition in pregnant women is a crucial condition and health of the fetus.
Nutrition of pregnant women
Image: balance.dietxnutrition.com
Here are a few types of nutrients needed by pregnant women and sample the food as the nutritional intake of pregnant women .
Folic acid
Folic acid is needed by the fetus. Fetus need folic acid in large numbers for the formation of cells and the nervous system. If one of the nutrition of pregnant women have not met with significant amounts, then the formation of cells and the nervous system of the fetus will take place is not perfect, which will cause the baby is born with a variety of disorders . Some examples of foods that contain lots of folic acid is recommended to be consumed by pregnant women is brown rice, fruits, and green vegetables.
Nutrition in pregnant women further and must be met is calcium. Calcium is essential for bone and teeth formation of the fetus. In addition, if pregnant women eat foods that contain calcium in sufficient amounts or even more, pregnant women can avoid osteoporosis. Shortage of calcium intake would make the fetus takes calcium contained in the bones of the mother. Well, this is the reason why pregnant women who received less calcium intake susceptible to osteoporosis. Foods that contain a lot of calcium and is recommended for pregnant women consumed is milk, green vegetables, and beans.
Pregnant women also should consume foods that contain a lot of protein. This is because protein serves as a forming cells and blood. Protein is also a source of calories and builder substances. Foods that contain a lot of protein, for example, tempeh, tofu, meat, and nuts .
Iron is also very important as the nutritional intake of pregnant women. Iron is important as they can help in the formation of blood, especially the red blood cell hemoglobin. In addition, eating foods that contain much iron can also make pregnant women to avoid anemia. Foods that contain a lot of iron, for example, fish, meat, and liver.
Vitamin many kinds. All foods that contain these types of vitamins good for pregnant women consumed. Vitamins can help maintain healthy teeth and gums, protects tissues from organs, avoiding damage to the brain, it also helps build bones baby. There are a lot of foods containing vitamins, for example, liver, yolks, milk, eggs, fruits, and vegetables. All the food is good to be nutrition in pregnant women. 
Pregnant women are also advised to consume foods that contain a lot of calories. When pregnant, pregnant women need around 300-400kkal extra calories per day. 4 healthy 5 perfect foods are foods that are recommended to meet the calories needed by the expectant mother. It is better if the number of calories obtained came from different foodstuffs. For example, 55% comes from rice and tubers which acts as a source of carbohydrates, 35% came from animal fat or vegetable, and 10% comes from vegetables and fruits as a protein producer to complete.
Well, that was some of the nutrition of pregnant women are to be met. Pregnant women must not be selfish with any foods whatsoever. He also must pay attention to the growth and health of the fetus. Pregnant women who take care of their diet will certainly have a more healthy fetus compared to not keep eating.

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